Learning Circle with Dennis Vergne

    Partner, Basis Limited, and organizational change consultant.

    Dennis, a change expert, assists organisations and communities in tackling complex problems. His approach emphasises agility and innovation through action and prototyping. He embraces the idea that “it’s easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking than to think yourself into a new way of acting”. As a director at Basis (a leading consultancy recognised by the Financial Times) and ImpactBasis, he drives impactful change.

    Dennis spoke at the Shahzada Dawood Learning Circle (SDLC) on “Emracing Change”. He emphased that change is a uncertain process. He used examples from the work of William Bridges to underscore how change can be viewed in different perspectives. Dennis also shared with the audience his own approach of “Information, Participation, and Consultation” that can help teams solve complex issues by moving towards a unified understanding of change.

    Main thing that people really appreciate around change and make changes very quickly as teams, as whole organizations, as individuals is when they participate more into that change, and they have agency.

    Dennis Vergne

    Partner, Basis Limited, and organizational change consultant.