thank you for visiting engro’s integrated review 2016
With a view to committing ourselves to changing the world, we believe it is our duty to apprise our stakeholders with the knowledge of Engro’s value creation process. It is with this purpose in mind that we are pleased to share with you our second Integrated Report in a digital format. The Integrated Review will provide a benefit to all our stakeholders who are interested in our ability to create value including employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, local communities, regulators, providers of financial capital and policy makers.
It is important to note that value is not created by or within an organization alone and is, therefore, influenced by the external environment, created through relationships with stakeholders and dependent on various resources These resources and relationships used by the organization are collectively referred to as the capitals in the Integrated Reporting (IR) Framework and are broadly categorized as financial, human, social and relationship, natural, manufactured and intellectual capitals. Our report seeks to provide an insight on how Engro creates value over time by interacting with its environment and these capitals over the short, medium and long term.
The report serves as a supplementary document to our Annual Report 2015, which provides detailed insight into our financial performance and dynamics. Our commitment to maintain the highest levels of transparency and accountability continues to take us to the next level in reporting year on year. In case you have any queries about the report and its contents, please feel free to contact us as per the details below Corporate Communications Department
UAN | +92-21-111-211-211