Igniting curiosity by democratizing learning & knowledge
Keeping the spirit of the “Learning Circles” alive, The Shahzada Dawood Learning Circle (SDLC) brings together world leaders, experts, practitioners, and storytellers on the platform. The SDLC is focused on promoting curiosity and learning by providing access to global topics and knowledge across the organization.
If we don’t drive change, then change will come upon us.
Dr. Soon Soo Gog Chief Skills Officer, SkillsFuture Singapore
I love the story, because I get to go all over the world and talk to amazing people and see amazing things.
Lynne O’Donnell Columnist, Foreign Policy Ex-Bureau Chief, Afghanistan, AFP & AP
Main thing that people really appreciate around change and make changes very quickly as teams, as whole organizations, as individuals is when they participate more into that change, and they have agency.
Dennis Vergne Partner, Basis Limited, and organizational change consultant.
We need to train people on how to manage Artificial Intelligence not just make Artificial Intelligence.
Prof. Missy Cummings Director Mason’s Autonomy and Robotics Center, George Mason University.
We need to be more imaginative in our diplomacy
Dr. Maleeha Lodhi Pakistani Diplomat, and Author
In tough times, underlining the purpose of the organisation is very important. This can be powerful for leaders as they seek to motivate their employees during crises.
Satish Shankar APAC Regional Managing Partner, Bain & Company
Import-led subsidies-supported businesses have no place in this country. A level playing field is okay, and we should start moving in that direction, but subsidies cannot be provided since there’s none left.
Muhammad Aurangzeb President & CEO HBL
Most leaders do not consider how they themselves are impacted by trauma. And that in turn impacts the way they communicate.
Dr Laura McHale Founder, Conduit Consultants Limited, Hong Kong
She talked about the skills of the future and how Singapore is taking on the challenge of continuously reskilling and upskilling its citizens in this current age of fast paced technological advancements.
Lynne spoke at an in-person Shahzada Dawood Learning Circle (SDLC) on “A Journalists’ Journey”, sharing her experiences of covering commodity trading to becoming a war journalist. She shared in great length about her time in Afghanistan and what challenges and opportunities she and her larger team faced. Her work shows strength, resilience, and agility.
Dennis Vergne spoke at the Shahzada Dawood Learning Circle (SDLC) on the topic of “Embracing Change.” He emphasized that change is an uncertain process, drawing on examples from William Bridges' work to illustrate how change can be perceived from various perspectives. Dennis also introduced his own approach, called “Information, Participation, and Consultation,” which aids teams in addressing complex issues by fostering a unified understanding of change.
Dr. Maleeha Lodhi spoke at the Shahzada Dawood Learning Circle (SDLC) on “Representing Pakistan on global stage”. She emphasized on the significance of using soft power as the strategy for diplomacy on the global stage. Dr. Lodhi shared her journey to represent Pakistan, and how she handled challenges and maximized the opportunities.
Professor Cummings spoke at the Shahzada Dawood Learning Circle (SDLC) on “Promises and Perils of Artificial Intelligence (AI)”. She explored in great length on what are the hinderances and what does the future look like for AI. She also talked about new jobs that AI will be creating in future and the need to rethink development and training models for our workforce to match the change.
Satish Shankar, Managing Partner for the APAC region at Bain & Company, spoke as a guest speaker at the Shahzada Dawood Learning Circle (SDLC), where he spoke on how to navigate uncertainty during disruptive times.
Last month, Engro hosted Muhammad Aurangzeb, President and CEO of HBL, as a guest speaker at the Shahzada Dawood Learning Circle (SDLC) at the Karachi School of Business and Leadership.