valuing our communities - key thematic areas
livelihoods and capacity building
In the year 2017, Engro foundation through the generous help from its external and internal donors and hard work of its implementation partners continued to leverage its efforts in inclusive livelihoods and capacity development initiatives. Our total monetary spend exceeded 228 million rupees. This includes our ‘Livelihoods program’ in Dharki, SEaDS Net, ‘Farmer Connect’ and ‘Sustainable Fisheries and Livelihoods program’ as the most prominent. These interventions have already started to have a positive impact bringing betterment to the quality of life, social uplift, increased awareness and most importantly women empowerment.
valuing our communities - key thematic areas
education and skills development
Engro Corporation along with its subsidiaries continue to support education in respective communities that are part of our value chain. It is our practice to adopt schools, through funding, capacity and infrastructure development, ensuring healthy enrollment in lower, middle and high schools. During the last couple of years we have also started concentrating on trade based skills training interventions that result in increased incentives for finding decent work and employability within our value chains and beyond. In the year 2017, we invested more than 45.2 million Rupees in this thematic area. We have adopted more than 33 schools with a total enrollment of more than 5,500 student in 6 different geographical locations. We also managed to impart skills in 5 key trades to more than 330 young women and 73 students successfully graduated as associate engineers in chemical and mechanical disciplines from our technical training center (TCC) located in Daharki.
valuing our communities - This includes our ‘Livelihoods program’ in Dharkikey thematic areas
health and infrastructure
Together with our partners Engro has invested 22.5 million in running health facilities and infrastructure development to facilitate basic and quality health services in our value chain. This also includes a state of the art ‘Snake Bite Center’ and Hepatitis prevention program. We have also launched a mobile health care facility to accommodate patients at their doorsteps in Daharki, Qadirpur and Sukkur.