Engro Corporation values its Natural Capital both at the corporate and subsidiary level as a strategic obligation. As an organization, we do all that is required to own it through proactive environmental management and stewardship across the value chain.
Over the years Engro Corporation together with its subsidiaries have evolved to become an organization that nurtures diligent thought process and commitment to preserve the natural environment for our future generations. We are committed towards ensuring our natural capital objectives are driven from the topmost tier of corporate governance and management both at corporate and subsidiary level. Engro Corporation together with its subsidiaries takes great care with utmost responsibility to define and designate priority areas within the operations footprint to apply redesign, refine and assign “best possible” targets for natural capital value creation. We treat ecosystem management and responsible resource utilization as our own natural capital and continuously endeavor for its betterment. A key aspect in this ever evolving thought process is our fundamental core value, an Engro employee cares deeply about the impct on the environment and safety of people’. As an organization, we maintain a rigorous internal and external regimen on continuous learning and improvement from behavioral as well as technical interfaces, that enables us to control our environmental impacts.
our journey towards integrated natural capital – a timeline
our journey - from compliance to capital
At Engro our approach towards natural capital management has always been that of a responsible stakeholder while delivering excellence in production operations. Our journey towards valuing our Natural Capital started from 1991 as part of the legacy we inherited from EXXON Chemicals, after formally transforming to Engro Chemicals Ltd. At that point in time, Engro had already developed its self-monitoring environmental metrics, though not bound by any local law, with a commitment to at least monitor our emissions and keep them at a specified benchmark. In 1997 with the passing of Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (PEPA) and induction of National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) we became one of the first commercial chemical manufacturing facilities, in one of the most remote geographical locations of Pakistan, to follow the mandatory standards in letter and in spirit. We adapted our organization’s working culture and management structure with stringent training and staffing regimes adhering to the highest standards required. We had already started categorizing and managing our hazardous wastes with our own set of disposal standards. In 2003 Hazardous Substance Rules were promulgated by the Government of Pakistan. Once again Engro became a leader with sufficiently trained human and physical resources to cater to the ever-changing needs of the regulatory framework. In 2004, we adopted the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Framework, one of the pioneers in this standardization in Pakistan. In 2005, Engro took another leap forward by becoming a signatory to the charter of United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and became the first company in Pakistan to officially disclose its environmental performance, by adopting the disclosure requirements of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and followed the same framework till 2013. Holding ourselves to the highest reporting standards, we adopted the integrated reporting model in view of our diverse businesses that merged our environmental performance to resource efficiency, valuing it formally as our Natural Capital. This journey of responsibility and transparency continues to date.
our strategy valuing our natural capital
At Engro, we have consistently maintained a multi layered approach for natural capital management, comprising of our operations, our impacts, and our commitments. We believe that responsible operations will always result in sustained and improved environmental outcomes. Keeping in view the multitude of challenges that in our operations primarily in the Fertilizers, Chemicals, Energy and Agricultural businesses, we are constantly reflecting upon the intended environmental impacts and risks associated to the external and internal environment. We also strive to monitor and reduce our negative impacts and bring sustained improvement in our positive impacts with an active commitment and governance structure at each tier of management. This includes a structured approach on adherence to all local laws and applicable standards, classification and regular appraisal of our environmental footprints, and to continuously endeavor towards conservation of natural resources through efficient technology and behavioral change.
our measured performance
We will term the reporting year of 2020, as the year of precision, responsibility and efficient impact navigation. We also want to highlight that our energy businesses at ‘Thar’ that includes coal mining and power generation under Engro Energy limited have achieved a certain degree of maturity and this has allowed us to account for and map their extended environmental footprint.
We consider managing this extended footprint at an accelerated pace as a matter of utmost strategic priority. Apart from these two businesses that saw considerable growth in production, the rest of our subsidiaries showed marginal positive and negative production rates and consequently their individual environmental indicators also showed similar trend.
Our total energy consumption stood at approximately 147 million GJ, a significant increase of 47% as compared to 2019. However, a major part of this increase in 2020 energy consumption is from our coal-based electricity generation unit in Thar consuming about 101 million GJs of energy that is about 91% more than 2019. Our total GHG emissions have been summed up to approximately, 7.58. million tons, this is a major increase as compared to our emissions reported in 2019 i.e. 2.718 million tons. This is principally attributed to our businesses associated with coal mining and power generation at Thar. Our coal-based energy unit in Thar is reporting its scope 1 GHG emissions for the first time and our coal mining business for the first time has included fugitive emissions as scope 1, GHG emissions in this reporting year. We have also managed to reduce and remove approximately 3,875 tons of Carbon Dioxide emissions in the current reporting year by technology upgrades, forestation and renewable energy initiatives. We are proud of our vertical, Engro Enfrashare, which is not part of this year’s natural capital reporting but has produced 151,800 of clean energy units by solarizing 446 remote telecom sites from November 2018.
key inputs
- Approximately 511 million PKR investment in the year 2020 in our natural capital
- Investment and monitoring of corporate and subsidiary wise environmental footprint and its benchmarking with global industrial averages and necessary adjustments are planned and executed as a matter of routine
- Resource efficiency initiatives in materials, energy, water, and waste reduction throughout the subsidiaries
- Investments in renewable technologies like solar panels, hydrogen venting project, optimization of diesel genset operation and other initiatives for efficiency and emissions reduction
key outputs
- Engro Thar, SECMC, Vopak saves approx. 567 kWh, 6,102 MWh and 102,778 kWh of electricity by installing Solar Geysers and Panels
- Engro Enfrashare has produced 151800 kWh of clean energy units by solarizing 446 telecom sites
- Engro Polymer is now able to reduce their total energy consumption by 5% through the installation of Hydrogen Venting Project
- SECMC saved 316.7 metric tons of diesel by optimizing their operations of Diesel Genset
- EPTL, EPQL, EVTL offset approx.188 tons of CO2 by planting 8,800 trees
- An estimated 27.5 million cubic meters of water meeting the regulatory specifications was safely disposed through our state-of-the-art water treatment facilities
- An estimated 17,392,081 m3 of water has been reused/recycled by our subsidiaries
urban forest initiative
In March 2020, amidst COVID-19 complexities, EVTL embarked upon an aggressive plan to initiate an urban forest planting project within its premises. A 100o sq. yards of dry empty patch of land was chosen to plant more than 3,500 saplings of 30 different types of trees based on the Dr. Akira Miyawaki’s methodology, that results in fast growing, self-sustaining, independent forest. All trees planted are of local variety and to date the results have been excellent. Utilizing healthy nutrient rich organic fertilizer and water balance, the mortality rate has been less than 2%. The tree species planted include both fruit and non-fruit varieties and have shown considerable progress in growth with some trees reaching a height of 12 feet in just a single year. Jujube (Ber), Mulberry (Shahtoot), Pepal, Ixora and Indian Beech (Sukhchain) tree to name the most prominent. We will monitor the success of this initiative and hope to expand this to 3000 sq. yards within the same facility, resulting in offsetting our CO2 footprint, improve air quality and help retain rainwater.
fact sheet
total energy consumption GJ 2020
total energy consumption GJ 2020
total energy consumption GJ 2020
water consumption m3 2020
water consumption m3 2020
water consumption m3 2020
water disposed & recycled m3 2020
water disposed & recycled comparison m3
total waste tons 2020
breakup of waste generated tons 2020
total waste generated comarison tons
total waste generated tons 2020
hazardous waste tons 2020
non hazardous waste tons 2020
total GHG emissions tons 2020
total GHG emissions comparison tons
direct GHG emissions comparison tons
indirect GHG emissions comparison tons
total GHG emissions subsidiary wise tons 2020
direct emissions subsidiary wise tons 2020
indirect emissions subsidiary wise tons 2020
total NOx and SOx tons
NOx emissions tons 2020
SOx emissions tons 2020
“Unit of GHG in Tons is equated to Tons of CO2 Eq”